Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Can you see the Bags Under my Eyes?!?....

Print Audition - GYMBOREE - 1/30/08 (Kenyah & Taya-Morgan)

Taya-Morgan, you ask? Yes! She was with us, and was asked to be seen as well. Cool! As a result, and because she HAS been asking me for the last couple of months, I've decided to sign her with Kenyah's agent. Only for print work though, because if you knew how shy she could be, you'd know that she's no where near being ready for on camera. Anywho, I'm thinking, this is just one more thing I have to add to my already crazy schedule. But hey, when it comes to the kids. How can I resist?!?...:)...

So, as you can see, I finally got the BRANDY NORWOOD pic from my friend! Yeah!...

P.S. Remember that business venture I'd mentioned a couple of posts ago? More (EXCITING!) information coming soon.


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