Thursday, September 20, 2007

Closing out the Week...

VO Audition - DIXIE ULTRA - 9/20/07
Film Audition - THE CODE - 9/21/07

The VO Audition went really well this afternoon, except for the fact that I had my children with me. I can usually take them to VO Auditions with no problem, but this time there were dogs involved. Believe me, they LOVE dogs, that is, when they are far, far away!...:)...

Dropped some more h/r off to my agent earlier this week. I'm guessing it was just in time to score this fantastic audition tomorrow. I have to cry. I haven't done that at an audition in a while, so I'll have to mind warp back to my BABYCAL days. By the way, it films in NY and Bulgaria. Cool, very cool.

P.S. I saw the HP TELEVISION COMMERCIAL w/Serena Williams last night. By the sound of it, they didn't even use the added line I auditioned for. I guess I can look at that as being a good thing!...:)...


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