Monday, August 27, 2007


Yeah! I had a pretty good indication that I would book this job, but I made myself hold my tongue all weekend because, as we know, anything can happen in this industry. I say that I had a pretty good indication, because as I was shaking hands to leave the room, the CD pitched me for another (larger) role to the Director. Can you believe that? Turns out, the character was that of a male police officer. In the end, the director decided he wanted to keep the police officer a male. It's (most certainly) all good! I am amped to be working with the folks linked to this project, AND to be working at all! My shoot date is 9/10.

Want to guess what the role is for? Come on, take a wild guess. If you guessed a NURSE, you'd be correct!

Funny how that happens huh?


1 comment:

  1. Hooray! More bookings are on your horizon...I know it! Thanks again for the temptation info.
