Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Booking, still in Progress...

VO Audition - HCC - 12/8/07

Kenyah is still on Avail...:)...

On Saturday (12/8) I went in to re-record parts of my VO Reel. I only had to redo three of the spots. Yeah!! I was so nervous about not being able to deliver, but I think things worked out really well. I always feel good after my monthly sessions with my VO Manager. I feel like I've actually worked on a job because she is able to pull so much out of me.

On Sunday evening (12/9) me, my husband, and 2 friends of ours, had the pleasure of attending an advance screening of THE GREAT DEBATERS. (Thanks to SAG of course.) And, yes, Mr. Washington was there!...:)...What a wonderful, wonderful treat it was to hear firsthand insight on his dual job of directing and acting in this film. The film is awesome by the way! It comes out on Christmas Day, so go check it out if you can. One more thing before you go, please don't leave here thinking, "Shenita thinks every film/play she sees is awesome, and a must see!" I will let you know right now, that that is absolutely not true. You just won't hear me say as much about the ones I don't particularly care for, rather than say bad things about them...:)...

Two more days til the big 31! Wow.


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