Saturday, August 12, 2006

Work, work, and more work.

It took me all day today, but I've finally finished working on the design of my new postcard. Now all I need to do is get them printed, labeled, stamped, and ready to be mailed on Monday. I'm so behind in getting this done. I wanted to get it done when I first got home, but I just HAVE NOT found the time. Too many things going on. I think I'm going to send out a few at a time. Maybe about 25 to start with, targeting just the shows I REALLY want to be on.

I also worked on a submission packet for my baby today. Yes! My husband and I have finally decided to go forward with getting her started in the business. I've already scored a really good referral for CESD, so hopefully I can get her in over there. We'll see. Her submission will go out on Monday as well. I talked to my 4 year old about giving the business a try again, but she still has cold feet. It's all good though. I am, by no means, an over aggresive stage mom, so if she's not feeling acting then so be it. I'll support whatever it is that makes her happy, and right now that's SpongeBob and swim class!

Have a good one.


  1. Your girls are so beautiful! Good luck to both of you. I'm sure good things will happen.

  2. Girl, they are adorable and I like the new blog design.
