Sunday, August 06, 2006

63 days and Counting and I Saw.

I had to do some adjusting with my audition time on Friday, because I had to take my daughter in for her 2 month check up at the same time they had me scheduled to come in and read. Yes, I said 2 months, can you believe it? I CAN NOT believe it's already been 9 weeks since I gave birth to her. I was really sad on Friday afternoon because I realized it's getting closer and closer for me to have to return to work, BUT as I was looking through my mail that'd piled up while I was gone, I came across a letter from the state saying I was eligible to apply for a program that would allow me an additional 6 weeks off, with pay. Thank you, Jesus! I would just have to get the all clear from my employer. I left a message for my boss today, and my application will be in the mail first thing tomorrow morning. If granted, I won't have to return to work until 9/12. Hallelujah!

As for the audition, I felt like it went really well. I think I did a great job considering the short amount of time I had to prepare for it. They even had me rework it, and come back in a few minutes later, which I saw as being a very good thing! While there, I ran into my friend Nadege Auguste, who was auditioning for the same role. It was really good to see her. I also saw some other girls I knew, on the schedule to come in a read for the role. (Frances Uku being one of them.) Good Luck girls!
While in NM, I took out my latest round of braids, so my real hair was screaming for a little TLC. Bright and early yesterday morning, I left the girls to their father, and hit the salon for a few hours. Press, Curl, and Trim! I love it! It looks really, really nice. I'm still growing out the fro, but it's incognito. That is, until I'm ready to unleash it on the world...:)...

I saw Keesha Sharp, and (I'm assuming) her family, at church this morning. Not sure if she attends my church regularly since this is the first time I've ever seen her there. (We're not a very big congregation, but we do have the occasional celebrity come through from time to time.) I was a tad star struck when I saw her, only because my daughter and I LOVE EVERYBODY HATES CHRIS. All the actors on that show are so exceptional. (Meaning you Tasia!) As service was coming to a close, I was sitting there thinking of what I could possibly say to her. I casually glanced in her direction, and DOGGONE IT, she was gone! I'm sure when you are a "recognizable face," as with her case, you have to learn to leave a little early, or be hemmed up everywhere you go. Oh well, maybe next time. I still don't know what I would have said to her. Maybe, "Tell Tasia I said hi!"...:)...

Ironically, one of the sisters came up to me after church and told me that she'd seen ME on TV last week. Apparently BROOKLYN'S BRIDGE TO JORDAN aired again on Showtime. How funny.

On the agenda for this week is postcarding, and the search for a babysitter should I need one during the week for auditions, shoots, etc.


1 comment:

  1. Hey lady, thanks for the shout out. BTW: Here's a little inside scoop...Keesha will not be returning to EHC, so was wrote out in the 1st episode to air Oct 1st.
