Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Well, 80% of My Bases are Covered!

Yes, I know I'm supposed to be grinding to a halt for the holidays, but every now and again, I get this little bug...
Maybe it's the acting bug, and I have to do stuff...any stuff that's acting related...
So today, I finally added the rest of my photos to ACTORS ACCESS. As a result, I think at this point I have about 80% of my bases covered in time for Pilot Season. With just a few things left to be done, I’m really really excited...

Between now and then, I still need to get hard copies of my 3 new shots, apply for my passport (although, because of the baby and all, I don't think I'll be flying anywhere anytime soon), and get my VO reel done. Also, I just remembered today that I have to get a hard copy of my headshot over to the girl that's doing the book about actors I'm supposed to be in. (I’m eager to see how this project turns out.)

Speaking of the baby, now that I have passed the “danger zone of the 1st trimester,” I’m excited about starting my yoga classes again. Maybe the classes will help me regain some of my energy, and gain a minimal amount of pregnancy weight this time around. (Let’s Pray!)

On another note, Tina Mabry, the director of the short film I did, BROOKLYN'S BRIDGE TO JORDAN, e-mailed last week saying the film has been selected to be in the SHOWTIME’S BLACK FILMMAKER SHOWCASE 2006. It is expected to air in February 2006. Very Cool! I will post the air dates as soon as I get them. Although my role in the film is small (I say 1 word audibly: MALCOLM), it was a great project to work on, and I've made 100% sure that I do everything I can to support this up and coming filmmaker. I really have a feeling she will blow up one day.
Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 14, 2005

"New" Plan of Action...

Callback - 11/14/05 - LET'S TALK

Did you hear it? Did you hear the explosion when I completely bombed today? OMG, I failed sooooo badly at my callback, it wasn’t even funny. I had some personal stuff going on this weekend, so I’d love to blame that for the way things went down, but the truth of the matter is, I went in over confident, and under prepared...
Plain and simple...

Let me first make the disclaimer that I (by no means) think I’m all that...but for some reason when I go in for smaller projects I tend to think I can just glide through and land a part with little or not effort, and it just doesn’t happen that way. It usually blows up in my face, which it did today. One day I will learn that lesson I guess.

I also think I was intimated because the other women at the callback, on top of being great actresses, were HIP, THIN, and BEAUTIFUL. Meanwhile, in comparison, I felt HUGE, FRUMPY, and out of place…Why? Do you ask?...

Drum roll please...

I’m Pregnant! Yes, 3 months in...:)...
Remember a few weeks back when I said I hadn’t managed to loose any weight so far?...Well, that’s why...the cat’s out of the bag. That should also explain why I’ve been busting my butt lately trying to get my new pics and reel online so I can try to work as much as I can before the holidays, and before my bump becomes way obvious...Some good it’s done me! I’m beginning to think my coveted THE SHIELD audition week before last, was a stroke of luck, rather than being a result of my efforts as of late.

I don’t know, I’m still deciding, but after today, I think it’s about time I slow my roll on the acting front and settle into the holiday season...:)...I have a husband, a daughter, a full time day job, a home based business, and a new baby to prepare for, all of which, I'm certain, will keep me extremely busy for a while.

Don’t get me wrong, you’ll see me (as much as possible) come Pilot Season, bump and all, but for now I’m just going to chill out and wait for my agents to call me.
In the meantime, I'll keep you posted should anything interesting occur.

Monday, November 07, 2005

VO Audition - 11/7/05 - SATURN ION

VO Audition - 11/7/05 - SATURN ION

Looks like a no-go on THE SHIELD, I still haven't heard anything. Oh well, maybe the 8th time is really the charm!...:)...I don't know.
Anyway, I'm still on the up and up with things. I'm adding my new photos to LA CASTING today, so hopefully things will pick up on the commercial front as well.
I got a call today from my agency asking me some questions about GREY'S ANATOMY, apparently they were making a pitch to try to get me back in on the show. I hope it worked!...:)...
Speaking of GREY'S ANATOMY, I got my first TV Residual check from them today! And boy was it a very nice surprise! Especially since I'd forgotten that a lot of these TV shows run in other countries. Nice surprise indeed.

Happy Monday!

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

CallBack - 11/3/05 - THE SHIELD

Woo-Who! A Theatrical Audition!...

TV Audition - 11/2/05 - THE SHIELD

Okay, I'm not sure if I mentioned this before, but like STRONG MEDICINE, I have auditioned for THE SHIELD at least 1/2 dozen times over the past 3 years. I've gone to producers several times, and have even been called straight to producers before. All that being said, I pray that today is my chance to finally book with them. I will be reading for two different characters, so the chances of booking are even greater. Cool!

Funny thing is, I took my demo reel into Actors Access last Thursday, and it was finally posted yesterday morning. (I was told they usually do it immediately, but they had to wait because the person who uploads the clips was out sick for three days.) Then yesterday afternoon I got my first theatrical audition in 2.5 months. I wonder if my demo reel had anything to do with refreshing THE SHIELD CD's minds, and thus them calling me in? Things that make you go hmmm...:)...

I guess only time will tell. If I keep getting auditions, I'll be screaming YES to that question!

I'm stoked...

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

VO Audition - 11/1/05 - OVER THE HEDGE (ANIMATION)
VO Audition - 11/1/05 - VISA